Hongping Wan
· Associate Professor
· 11/2016-11/2020, PhD in Biomedical Engineering, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
· 09/2013-06/2016, M.S. in Material Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University
· 09/2009-06/2013, B.S. in Biological Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University
Training and Professional Experience
· 2021.01-2021.11, Lecturer, Sichuan Agricultural University College of Veterinary Medicine
· 2021.12-now,Associate Professor, Sichuan Agricultural University College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Interests
· Focus on the immunology, Mucosal immunology, Antigen delivery system construction and design with material science methods
Selected Publications
· H Wan*#; K Ren#;Hans J. Kaper; PK. Sharma* Cartilage lamina splendens inspired nanostructured coating for biomaterial lubrication. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2021,594,435-445
· H Wan#; C Ma#; J Vinke; A Vissink; A Herrmann; PK Sharma. Next generation salivary lubrication enhancer derived from recombinant supercharged polypeptides for xerostomia. ACS Applied materials & Interfaces. 2020,12,31,34524-34535.
· H Wan; X Zhao; C Lin; H Kaper; PK Sharma. Nanostructured coating for biomaterial lubrication through biomacromolecular recruitment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020, 12, 21, 23726–23736.
· H Wan; C Lin; H Kaper; P K Sharma. A polyethylene glycol functionalized hyaluronic acid coating for cardiovascular catheter lubrication. Materials & Design, 2020,196,109080
· H Wan; A Vissink; PK Sharma. Enhancement in Xerostomia Patient Salivary Lubrication Using a Mucoadhesive. Journal of dental research. 2020,99, 914–921
· H Wan; R Ke; H Kaper; PK Sharma. A bioinspired mucoadhesive restores lubrication of degraded cartilage through reestablishment of lamina splendens. Journal of colloids and surfaces B:biointerfaces. 2020, 193, 110977
· C Lin#; H Wan#; H Kaper; P K Sharma.A hyaluronic acid based lubricious coating for cardiovascular catheters. Tribology International. 2020,151,106495.
8. H Hu#, H Wan#, L Dong, J Lin, MSH Al-Furjan, K Cheng, W Weng; H Wang. Surface hydroxyls regulation promotes light-induced cell detachment on TiO2 nanodot films. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2019, 358, 461–466.