Sui-Zhong Cao(SZ Cao)
· Professor
· Ph.D:Vet Clinical Med 09/2002 – 06/2005
GansuAgricultural University, P. R. China
· MSc: Vet Clinical Med 09/1997 – 06/2000
GansuAgriculture University, P. R.China
· Doctor of Veterinary Sciences(DVM) 09/1993 – 06/1997
GansuAgriculture University, P. R. China
· Training and Professional Experience
Visiting Scholar 07/2017
College of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
· Visiting Scholar 03/2014 - 03/2015
Department ofLarge Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
· Professor 01/2014 to Current
Department ofVeterinary Clinical Medicines
College of Veterinary Medicine
Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan Province, P. R. China
· Associate Professor 01/2009 - 12/2013
Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicines
College of Veterinary Medicine
Sichuan Agricultural University
· Postdoctoral Researcher 04/2008 - 04/2012
College of Veterinary Medicine
Yangzhou University, Yangzhou225009,Jiangsu Province, P. R. China
· Assistant Professor 07/2005 - 12/2008
Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicines
College of Veterinary Medicine
Sichuan Agricultural University
Research Interests
Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows(Base on Systems Biology Approach), Veterinary Clinical Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, The Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Bovine Immune Function, Small Animal Clinical Nutrition.
Selected Publications
1.Zhengzhong Luo#, Kang Yong#, Qiao Luo#, Zhenlong Du, Li Ma, Yixin Huang, Tao Zhou, Xueping Yao, Liuhong Shen, Shumin Yu, Junliang Deng, Zhihua Ren, Yong Zhang, Zuoting Yan, Zhicai Zuo*,Suizhong Cao*. Altered Fecal Microbiome and Correlations of the Metabolome with Plasma Metabolites in Dairy Cows with Left Displaced Abomasum[J]. Microbiol Spectr, 2022, 10(6):e0197222
2.Ma L#, Luo Z#, Huang Y#, Li Y, Guan J, Zhou T, Du Z, Yong K, Yao X, Shen L, Yu S, Zhong Z, Hu Y, Peng G, Shi X*andCao S*.Modulating gut microbiota and metabolites with dietary fiber oat b-glucan interventions to improve growth performance and intestinal function in weaned rabbits[J].Front. Microbiol, 2022, 13:1074036
3.Lu B#, Yao X#, Han G, Luo Z, Zhang J, Yong K, Wang Y, Luo Y, Yang Z, Ren M,Cao S*. Isolation of Klebsiella pneumoniae Phage vB_KpnS_MK54 and Pathological Assessment of Endolysin in the Treatment of Pneumonia Mice Model[J]. Front Microbiol, 2022, 13:854908.
4.Yue C#, Luo X#, Ma X#, Zhang D, Yan X, Deng Z, Li Y, Liu Y, An J, Fan X, Li L, Su X, Hou R,Cao S*and Liu S*. Contrasting Vaginal Bacterial Communities Between Estrus and Non-estrus of Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)[J]. Front Microbiol, 2021,12:707548.
5.Yong K#, Luo ZZ#, Luo Q, Yang QW, Huang YX, Zhao XX, Zhang Y*,Cao SZ*. Plasma metabolome alteration in dairy cows with left displaced abomasum before and after surgical correction[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2021,104(7):8177-8187.
6.Luo ZZ#, Shen LH#, Jiang J, Huang YX, Bai LP, Yu SM, Yao XP, Ren ZH, Yang YX,Cao SZ*.Plasma metabolite changes in dairy cows during parturition identified using untargeted metabolomics[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2019, 102 (5):4639-4650 <Editor’s Choice>
7.Zhengzhong Luo#, Kang Yong#, Zhenlong Du, Yixin Huang, Tao Zhou, Li Ma, Xueping Yao, Liuhong Shen, Shumin Yu, Zuoting Yan andSuizhong Cao*. Association between Tryptophan Metabolism and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Dairy Cows with Ketosis[J]. Metabolites,2023, 13(3), 333
8.Zhengzhong Luo#, Li Ma#, Tao Zhou, Yixin Huang, Liben Zhang, Zhenlong Du , Kang Yong, Xueping Yao , Liuhong Shen, Shumin Yu , Xiaodong Shi*andSuizhong Cao*. Beta-Glucan Alters Gut Microbiota and Plasma Metabolites in Pre-Weaning Dairy Calves[J]. Metabolites, 2022, 12(8), 687
9.Ma L, Luo Z, Chen J, Du Z, Zhou T, Huang Y, Yao X, Shen L, Yu S, Shi X*,Cao S*. Effect of Astragalus membranaceus Root on the Serum Metabolome of Preweaning Dairy Calves[J]. Agriculture-Basel,2022, 12:744
10.Zhengzhong Luo#,Yixin Huang#,Li Ma,Jing Jiang,Qiao Luo,Zhuo Yang,Kang Yong,Liuhong Shen,Shumin Yu,Xueping Yao,Jinzhong Tao*,Suizhong Cao*. Untargeted Metabolomics Reveals Metabolic Stress Alleviation by Prepartum Exercise in Transition Dairy Cows[J]. Metabolites, 2022,12(4):309.
11.Luo Z, Yong K, Huang Y, Zhang C, Shen L, Jiang H, Yang X, Zhang Y,Cao S*. Effects of replacement of corn silage and distillers' grain diets with hay during prepartum on the health and production performance of dairy heifers postpartum[J]. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr(Berl),2022,106(3):682-689.
12.Han G#, Zhang B#, Luo Z, Lu B, Luo Z, Zhang J, Wang Y, Luo Y, Yang Z, Shen L, Yu S,Cao S*, Yao X*. Molecular typing and prevalence of antibiotic resistance and virulence genes in Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from Chinese dairy cows with clinical mastitis. PLoS One, 2022, 17(5):e0268262.
13.Zidan Luo#, Shangjingchao Geng#, Biao Lu, Guangli Han, Yin Wang, Yan Luo, Zexiao Yang,Suizhong Cao*, Xueping Yao*. Isolation, genomic analysis and preliminary application of a bovine Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteriophage vB_Kpn_B01[J]. Front Vet Sci, 2021, 8:622049.
14.Yong K#, Luo Z#, Yang Q, Zhang C, Zhou Q, Jiang H, Zhang Y*,Cao S*. Case Report:Abomasum Impaction in Beef Cattle Due to High Intake of Distillers' Grain and Treatment Options in Southwest China[J]. Front Vet Sci, 2021,8:615871.(IF-2020=3.412)
15.Liuhong Shen#, Yingkun Zhu#, Jinbang Xiao, Bolin Qian, Liuchao You, Yue Zhang, Shumin Yu, Xiaolan Zong,Suizhong Cao*. Serum adipokines play different roles in type I and II ketosis[J]. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci,2020,33(12):1930-1939
16.Liuhong Shen#, Yingkun Zhu#, Jinbang Xiao, Bolin Qian, Tao Jiang, Junliang Deng, Guang-neng Peng, Shumin Yu,Suizhong Cao*, Zhi-Cai Zuo, Xiao-Ping Ma, Zhi-Jun Zhong, Zhi-Hua Ren, Ya Wang, Ziyao Zhou, Haifeng Liu, Xiaolan Zong, Yan-Chun Hu. Relationship of placental adiponectin, leptin, visfatin, and resistin to calf birth weight[J]. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 2020, 32(4), 402–408.
17.Shen L#, Qian B#, Xiao J, Zhu Y, Hussain S, Deng J, Peng G, Zuo Z, Zou L, Yu S, Ma X, Zhong Z, Ren Z, Wang Y, Liu H, Zhou Z, Cai D, Hu Y, Zong X,Cao S*. Characterization of serum adiponectin and leptin in healthy perinatal dairy cows or cows with ketosis, and their effects on ketosis involved indices. Pol J Vet Sci, 2020,23(3):373-381.
18.Yixin Huang#,Liuhong Shen#,Jing Jiang,Qipin Xu,Zhengzhong Luo,Qiao Luo,Shumin Yu,Xueping Yao,Zhihua Ren,Yanchun Hu,Yongxin Yang,Suizhong Cao*. Metabolomic Profiles of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells Stimulated by LPS[J]. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:19131
19.Shen L#, Zhu Y#, Xiao J, Deng J, Peng G, Zuo Z, Yu S, Ma X, Zhong Z, Ren Z, Zhou Z, Liu H, Zong X,Cao S*. Relationship of adiponectin, leptin, visfatin and IGF-1 in cow’s venous blood and venous cord blood with calf birth weight[J]. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2019, 22 (3):541–548.
20.Xu-xu Fan,Yuan Gao,Long Shu,Yanquan Wei,Xueping Yao,Suizhong Cao*,Guang-Neng Peng,Xiang-Tao Liu,Shi-Qi Sun*.Transcriptome profiling indicating canine parvovirus type 2a as a potential immune activator[J]. Virus Genes, 2016,52 (6):768-779
21.Xianlong Wang#, Jinwei Zhou#, Chunwei Cao#, Jiaojiao Huang, Tang Hai, Yanfang Wang, Qiantao Zheng, Hongyong Zhang, Guosong Qin, Xiangnan Miao, Hongmei Wang,Suizhong Cao*, Qi Zhou*, and Jianguo Zhao*. Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated biallelic gene disruption and site-specific knockin after rapid selection of highly active sgRNAs in pigs[J]. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:13348.
22.Yang Y, Zhao X, Yu S,Cao S*. Quantitative proteomic analysis of whey proteins in the colostrum and mature milk of yak (Bos grunniens) [J]. J Sci Food Agric, 2015, 95(3):592-597.
23.Xu J,Guo HC,Wei YQ,Shu L,Wang J,Li JS,Cao SZ*,Sun SQ*.Phylogenetic analysis of canine parvovirus isolates from Sichuan and Gansu provinces of China in 2011[J].Transbound Emerg Dis, 2015, 62(1):91-95.